Ethos 17


Our latest issue of Ethos brings together an eclectic and genuinely global collection of stories from people who’re changing things for the better. It’s packed with ideas, insights and innovation from people out there who’re doing something different.
Our cover star this issue is Allbirds. The San Fransisco-based business has put sustainability at the top of the priority list and created a shoe with a carbon footprint 88% lower than traditional bovine leather. Plant oils, rice hulls and citrus peels. Yup, they’re all in the mix for your new footwear of choice.
Our long read tackles soil health and biodiversity and asks how can we feed people well, without jeopardising our ability to grow. We look back on our Lego cover story and spend 24 hours in Lima – with lots of coffee. We hear from the female Somali journalists who’re challenging stereotypes and unearthing a new trove of stories and we take a look at a phenominally successful Indian ad campaign that tackles periods, to keep young women in education. 
And we tackle carbon offsetting and citizenship, NFTs and web3.0. MUD Jeans is our photo story, and we look at airborne plastic in our infographic. All with the benefit of getting our heads down for some focus and flow tips. You really don’t want to miss it…