Ethos Eights: Sustainability Blogs

Whether you’re looking to save money whilst saving the planet, or you simply want to live a life with more meaning, you can’t go far wrong with these sustainability blogs...


Ethos Eights: Sustainability Blogs

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Trash is for Tossers

The blog promotes a zero-waste lifestyle as simple, cost-effective, timely and fun.

Tortoise and Lady Grey

The blog’s founder, Summer Edwards, decided to cut fast fashion out of her life and only buy clothes from ethical fashion companies. The blog answers questions about ethical fashion and gives suggestions on how to shop ethically.

The Note Passer

Inspiration for a better, sustainable future, one that’s full of more meaning and less waste.

Mindful Momma

A blog for mums looking to live in a more sustainable life, providing its followers with well-researched information to help them make well-informed changes. 

My Plastic Free Life

A comprehensive resource on plastic-free living, expressing how easy it is to live without plastic, whilst encouraging others to follow suit.


Stylish, sustainable living with an emphasis on social justice. The concept of the blog is, “everyday justice”, normal, everyday actions that can affect change in the areas of the world that need it most.


Founder Alden Wicker brings a unique perspective to a range of sustainability topics from fair trade lingerie, to sustainable apartment renovations.


Wonderthrift believes that saving money and saving the planet are complimentary aims. With a specific focus on practical steps, including recipes for health products, up-cycling and sustainable stories.